According to Spot On Chain, Amaranth Foundation founder James Fickel spent 10.10 million USDC to buy 2,642 ETH at an average price of about $3,820. In the past 3 days, James Fickel bought 14,494 ETH at an average price of $3,675, spending 390 WBTC and 26.10 million USDC (total $53.30 million).
据Spot On Chain监测,Amaranth基金会创始人James Fickel花费1010万枚USDC以约3820美元均价买入2642枚ETH。在过去3天里,James Fickel以均价3,675美元买入14,494枚ETH,花费390枚WBTC和2610万枚USDC(总计5330万美元)。
According to a Reuters survey, OPEC's oil production in March decreased by 50000 barrels per day from February to 26.42 million barrels per day.